Te Tauihu Partnership Agreement, Marlborough District Council, Nelson City Council, and Tasman District Council

Iwi and councils in the top of the South Island have affirmed their strong relationships through an historic partnership agreement, Kia Kotahi Te Tauihu, Together Te Tauihu Partnership Agreement, signed in December 2023 by the chairs of the eight tangata whenua iwi of Te Tauihu o te Waka-a-Māui (the top of the South Island) and the mayors of Tasman, Nelson and Marlborough. The Agreement represents an opportunity for iwi and council partners to work collaboratively on matters of mutual interest in a way that addresses some of the broader strategic regional challenges. It recognises the important and unique roles that both iwi and councils play in social, cultural, environmental, and economic wellbeing of Te Tauihu. It seeks to weave these aspirations more closely together to strengthen Te Tauihu as a region and deliver shared aspirations more effectively. The Agreement sets out various partnership principles as well as review mechanisms.

Following the signing, an action plan is being developed to set out partnership priorities and actions over the next three years.