About LGNZ reverse


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Localism &
Climate Change  

Why local voices need be at the heart of climate change conversations.

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Localism &

How councils are using innovative ways to get communities to participate in local democracy.

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Localism &
Disaster Recovery

How communities are crucial to driving disaster recovery efforts.

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Localism &
Community Resilience

How councils can support a community-led approach when it comes to wellbeing and resilience.

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Localism &

Why localism is key to cultivating genuine partnerships with Māori.

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Localism &

How councils are enabling community-wide efforts to improve our environment.

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Localism &

Building a whare manaaki that sings with stories.

Te Ara Atea Puamiria Parata Goodall bw

Localism &

Culture, anchor me: the partnership story behind Rolleston’s Te Ara Ātea.

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Localism &
Digital Excellence

Game theory: CODE’s collaboration, creativity and community lead to a virtuous digital circle in Dunedin.

Te Waharoa Te Whanau Marama and Atea a Rangi in background at night

Localism &
Mātauranga Māori

In Waitangi Regional Park, about halfway between Napier and Hastings, you’ll find one of the most unique teaching tools in Aotearoa, a traditional Māori star compass called Ātea a Rangi.
